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Turning 30? These preventive health checkup tests are a must

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care. This famous proverb holds a ton of wisdom and is most applicable in the matters of our health and wellbeing-especially when we turn 30. As we age, our bodies tend to wear down and become more susceptible to certain diseases. Hence, it is advisable to undertake preventive screenings and checkups to detect the problem early on and nip them in the bud. Read this blog to find out the most important preventive health checkups one must take after turning 30.

Cholesterol level test 
One must take a Lipid profile test to measure an accurate level of cholesterol. A complete lipid profile test helps you understand the good and the bad of your cholesterol levels; gives a true picture of your heart's health. 

Healthy readings are something like LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins) < 130 and HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins) >60. Yearly tests are a must if one has a history of cardiac complications, obesity or diabetes.

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force that your blood puts on your artery walls. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, happens when that force is consistently too high. Detecting and treating high blood pressure is important because, over time, it can damage your circulatory system and increase your risk of a heart attack, stroke, and other health problems later in life. A reading below 120/80 is ideal blood pressure. If the reading is normal, get tested next year.

Cancer Screening
According to WHO, Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. The most common in 2020 cases of cancer were: breast cancer, lung cancer, colon and rectum cancer, prostate cancer, blood cancer, skin cancer and stomach cancer. Cancer screening helps detect cancer early and prevent it. For men, a Prostate Cancer screening test determines the risk of developing prostate cancer. 

For women, a Pap Smear test detects precancerous changes in the cervix. Women should also undergo breast examination annually to detect any signs of breast cancer. Skin cancer, especially melanoma, is very common. A full-body screening to detect skin cancer should be done often.

Blood sugar test
A blood sugar test helps detect diabetes. Done after a period of 12-hour fasting, the blood sugar test gives a reading of 

  • < 99 if normal, 

  • between 100 and 110 if pre-diabetes and 

  • higher than 110 if diabetic. 

In cases of pre-diabetes and diabetes, HbA1C, an additional test, is done that indicates the average blood sugar levels over the previous 3 months. If the reading is normal, then only annual testing is recommended.

Cardiovascular diseases tests
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally (as per WHO). They are on the rise, especially among the youth. The risk factors of CVDs, especially heart disease and stroke, are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use and alcohol abuse. Therefore, it is necessary to get yourself medically examined for CVDs, before it's too late. There are several tests available. 

  • An ECG test measures the electrical signals from your heart as it beats.

  • An Echo test uses sound waves to view your heart, its structure and any abnormalities in real-time. 

  • Chest X-rays use a small amount of radiation to produce an image of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels. 

These tests allow a cardiologist to find out any risk of developing heart disease. They should be done annually, even if test results are normal.

General tests 
There are some general screening tests also that one should undergo in addition to the above-mentioned ones. These are: 

  • Thyroid Function Test for the thyroid gland, 

  • Kidney Function Test for the kidneys and 

  • Liver Function Test for the liver. 

Additionally, a yearly test for Vitamin D and calcium is a must to check whether they are present in the recommended levels.

These preventive tests are very necessary as they help catch the diseases in their initial stages and can be treated or cured completely. It prevents a loss of life, suffering and huge financial expenses. If you are 30 plus, go to the nearest multispecialty hospital and get these tests done at the earliest. 

A. J. Hospital & Research Centre offers preventive health check-up packages, designed to meet the needs of varying age groups. It has state of the art technology and facilities and provides excellent services. Take a step towards a positive lifestyle and book a suitable preventive health check-up package today!